Developing SMART goals from your ‘WHY’
The why is to mentor young graduates/ professionals. Growing up I have seen brilliant people around me often confused on how to make an impact, where to find their crowd, and how to do meaningful work. I want to help those individuals specifically from underprivileged backgrounds in maximizing their potentials.
Realizing this, the first idea that popped in my mind was to help my fellow engineering peers to understand the magnitude of impact they could bring around the world with their education. Working in the nonprofit sector I realized the need for technical innovative solutions that our country and the world require to combat climate change, hunger, poverty, and accessibility to water. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are the global goals that UN member countries have adopted to end the aforementioned problems by 2030.
To give a sense of direction to my fellow peers and add real meaning to their semester, final year projects, conference, and research publications so their efforts could translate to real meaningful work and problem solving I decided to start a campus-wide initiative aiming to work on capacity building activities for rising engineers so they could understand the challenges that stand before humanity and contribute towards a more peaceful and prosperous planet.
engineers 4 SDGs
We named the initiative e4SDGs, the first three tasks before us were;
Develop a team i.e. finding the right people. I discussed with my friends and once the initiative is approved by the administration we agreed to formally build our team and start working on organizing our first workshop at NED University of Engineering and Technology.
To estimate the current understanding of the UN SDGs we have launched an online survey for students at NED UET.
To further the social impact of this effort, harness support and for our personal development we decided to apply for the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) and Millennium Campus Network (MCN) joint fellowship program, fortunately, I was shortlisted in the first round and staged to the final and more rigorous application step.
The responses from survey forms are coming and I intend to complete the second round of application for the fellowship in the next week.